I’ve been back stateside, but my travels and the education I glean from them continue. Shortly after returning from South Africa, I ended my 2022 with a 6-day speaker’s tour in northern Wisconsin. In a mix of different spaces, some incredibly diverse while others hosted an audience that made me hyper-aware, I imparted crucial wisdom...Read More
The people. The music. The culture. That’s the heart of my 10-day journey in a part of the motherland. South Africa was a blessing to my soul that I didn’t realize I needed. The experience both humbled me and secured my personal pride. When I planted my foot on the land, it instantly felt like home. Doppelgangers...Read More
Welcome to the world and mind of Ajamou Butler, the Black man who travels. In four days, I embark on my third international trip. This time, I’m journeying back to the origins, my roots, in South Africa. Traveling the world expands your view; your mind naturally opens to the reality that life is lived outside...Read More